
Available at Corner Chiropractic in Port Elgin

Complete Gaitscan Analysis

It’s amazing how many health problems can be traced to our feet.    A moderately active person will take ten thousand steps a day.

Unless you’re among the small percentage of people blessed with perfect feet all that walking can really beat you up.  Even if your feet feel okay they may be causing knee, hip, back or neck problems.

Our prescription is a pair of custom made orthotics.  A patient simply walks normally across a scanner on the floor in our office and we can immediately see exactly what’s going on with his or her biomechanics.

After the assessment,  we have a pair of custom orthotic inserts made based on a computer readout.  Patients can get orthotics that fit into everything from high heels to hockey skates.  We  can even make custom sandals.   The orthotics might take a couple of days to get used to but there are usually immediate improvements.

The cost of orthotics is commonly covered by extended health insurance if they’re prescribed by a chiropractor, doctor or chiropodist.

Click here to see the full line of orthotics.